One of the many things that I've learned in my life is that a person should be able to fit in an situation without losing who they really are. I can understand how something like this can be difficult in certain scenarios, which is why a lot of people attempt to avoid particular environments. However, me being who I am, I at least want to do my best and leave my memory of being that one girl with that personality that will be remembered positively.
I have created this blog to share my knowledge and opinions with the people of the world. Originally, my intention was to take my written assignments and share them using social media. After a while, I realized that I have a lot more to share than essays.
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Friday, December 20, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
How to Make Refried Beans
This is an assignment I had to do for chemistry in which I had to find a recipe involving vinegar and make a cooking video with it. I ended up filming this until 3 in the morning (I can't really explain my reasons for starting so late).
Friday, November 22, 2013
My School Documentary
I made a documentary about my school a week or two ago. My main goal was to capture my experience at the school. What actually happened was a plethora of negative opinions about the place.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Review: My Dinner with Andre
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Music I've Had Stuck in My Head for Days 4
Lately, I've been ripping CDs that I held from my local library (I found it amazing that the library has desirable music, but that would be judgemental of me). HEre are some of my favorites from my library adventures so far:
Gorillaz - Rhinestone Eyes
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
How I Framed Michael Jackson
It's a misleading title, but hear me out. As you all know, Michael Jackson is a legendary pop star who passed away a few years ago. It was a tragic death, and the media made sure everyone knew about it. There were documentaries, t-shirts, movies, radios playing his music all day, and so on.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
How to Make Chemistry with Potatoes
This is a chemical bonding project I had a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed putting it together due to my film production endeavors, but I just about had enough of electronegativity. Enjoy learning chemistry. ^_^
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Taking Unnecessary Classes in School
Saturday, September 21, 2013
FCCLA Fall Leadership Conference 2013 (Georgia)
At my school, I am the Vice President of the Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). On September 20th of 2013, I went to my very first fall leadership conference in Covington, Georgia. It was everything I wanted it to be, and a whole lot more. The trip was a great way for me to get to know my fellow officers. We all got awesome FCCLA t-shirts (I have been anticipating the t-shirts since I put the application in my teacher's hand), I got a name tag (with my name on it), and I got these awesome orange sunglasses that said "No Kid Hungry" on the side. I even got some of the state leaders to sign my pamphlet and take pictures with me. (They were so humble about it. ^_^)
The Radio Rap Experiment
been awhile since I made a blog post (as some of you may have noticed),
but a lot has changed since the times I used to post on a regular basis
and now. The way I am doing this isn’t orthodox, but it gets the job
done and I haven’t gotten in trouble for it. (That should say enough within itself.)
Hip Hop,
Short Story
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Sekou: 18 Months
My little brother being himself, in many different places, doing many different things. (So glad I caught all of this on camera. Some of it is hard to explain.)
My Return to Little Five Points
I had a great day. I hadn't been to little five point in two years. Now I get to relive the experience, find some new favorite places, and pass on the tradition to Sekou (little brother).
![]() |
Harmony (me) |
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
A Single Grain of Rice Can Tip the Scale
This morning, I had a thought come to my mind that made me stop and sit down for a few minutes. If you can help me figure this out, that would be great. I really need an outsider's perspective on this one.
Why "The Host" is One of the Best
Like any other movie that originates from a book, this movie was an undisputed masterpiece. I watched about a week ago for my second anniversary with Red-box (free movie promo), and I had to watch it in sequences due to my schedule, but believe me when I say that I made sure to use every free moment to finish the movie. Once I finished the movie, I couldn't believe how great it was. I watched the movie 2.5 times (I fell asleep, so I can't say a full three times). If you're wondering, no it was not consecutive.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Sorry it took so long, but I finally finished this song. I've been working on it for about one or two months now, and I'm happy to say that I finished it last Sunday. Here ya go. :-)
(If you here some birds chirping or something like that, I was outside recording this)
Instumental produced by Spence Mills
Monday, June 24, 2013
Go Skateboarding Day 2013
What better time to make a skateboarding video than the day to go skateboard? (don't answer that) I had a great time boarding around my neighborhood and representing skater of today's world. *wipes a tear*
Even my little brother did some boarding. :-D
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Kabalarians, Essenes, and Sufis (Catalyst of the Abraham Religions)
{This is one of my old essays I did from the 8th grade. I did some research on the Kabalarians, the Sufis, and the Essenes. I learned a lot from what I found, and I hope you enjoy my paper. Share your opinions and comments on the topic(s) that interest you from the essay. I'd be happy to hear them.}
Friday, May 31, 2013
Building my Skateboarding Skills (Ollie)
Now normally, I would have a post idea by now. I obviously got the idea, it just wasn't apart of my normal routine.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
{Rapid I Movement} (RIM)
This is my fourth song. Like I mentioned, the reason this my fourth song is because it's the fourth song I've written. Technically, it's my third song, but I'd like for it to be my fourth.
This is also the longest song I've made. It was definitely interesting to record. I had to make sure that I took as many deep breaths as possible (it was serious). I also had to kind of whisper when recording because it was night time and my family was sleeping, so if you were wondering, that's why it was a bit low. My goal was to base the song on dreams of all sorts, be it in your sleep, your desires, or your desires to sleep. It's up to you how you interpret it. Enjoy! :
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Reasons Why Walking is Awesome
Walking is one of the most pleasurable experiences one can go through. Walking is so natural that sometimes after a certain point, a person can barely notice that they've been walking. That is the best point of all: when walking becomes second nature to you.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
My Second Song: Departure
The reason I'm calling this my second song is because this is my second song, but I something was going wrong. When I was putting the song together, the speed of the instrumental and the rap were different. I didn't know what to do, so I just suspended its production until further notice. Then it happened to my fourth song, and I felt like I was in deep trouble. Then I realized that with my audio software, all I had to do was change the speed of the song. It seemed so obvious, but I'm so glad that I figured it out.
So this is my second song. I based it on Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and New Jersey, where I primarily was raised. It's not that long, but the only thing is Lauryn Hill's part adds to the length (and makes it awesome). I have absolutely no problem with that. It's one of my favorite songs by The Fugees, and it was the best instrumental I could find. So after weeks of suspension, this is Departure:
So this is my second song. I based it on Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and New Jersey, where I primarily was raised. It's not that long, but the only thing is Lauryn Hill's part adds to the length (and makes it awesome). I have absolutely no problem with that. It's one of my favorite songs by The Fugees, and it was the best instrumental I could find. So after weeks of suspension, this is Departure:
Saturday, April 13, 2013
My Little Brother Can Drive
He may not have a driver's license, but Sekou knows how to drive a car at the tender age of 15 months. He never fails to please. He was able to run errands all day, but he mostly did the grocery shopping. Don't believe me? See for yourself:
Saturday, April 6, 2013
The Songs I've Had Stuck in my Head for Days 2
Aww yeah!!! Now I know what you're thinking (or at least I'm sure you've thought it just a little bit): didn't you just do this a while ago? Yes, I did. This is basically a sequel. I just wanted to share with you some more music that I have in my head. Those other ones I still appreciate, but since then, I have discovered some more songs and they are awesome. I'm excited to share so... here we go:
Saturday, March 30, 2013
How to Change the World Around You
The world is a huge, enormous place. I say this because there's the world that you know, and then a world that I know, and a world that some stranger standing next to you may know. I'm not referring to the world as a setting; I mean the world that is your reality. Some of it may be the same to everyone - such as the seven continents, emotions, existing probably- but there are things in which makes their world seem much different from everyone else's. This could be religion, a disorder of some sort, or simply the music that a person listens to.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Check the Rhime (In Tyme)
Here's my next rap song. This time, I went for a more complex beat that required for myself to say a lot more. After enough practice, I was able to make a rap along the beat of one of my favorite A Tribe Called Quest raps: Check the Rhime. Here's the rap with lyrics:
Friday, March 22, 2013
Spring time!!!!!!!
It's finally spring time, and I am super excited. After having to endure numbing cold weather, looking out the window to see trees that look like the roots decided to flip over, and looking down at crunchy ashy leaves, it's great to know that winter is officially over (according to the Gregorian calendar, of course).
Saturday, March 16, 2013
My First Rap Song: Genesis
This is the first of my many songs to come.
Friday, March 15, 2013
I Want To Be a Rapper
Saturday, March 9, 2013
How to Avoid Advertisements Entirely
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
How to Make Asparagus (HIndie Style)
As you may know, I am trying out new foods. Specifically certain vegetables that I never really had before. This time, I tried asparagus.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
The Harlem Shake?!?!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Carl the Cantaloupe
I was curious as to what it was like to be a melon, so I interviewed this cantaloupe that was on my counter. His name is Carl.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
The Songs I've Had Stuck in my Head for Days
For the past few months, I've realized that some of the strangest songs can get stuck in my head not only all day, but possibly all week. It is the most annoying thing I can ever experience. It's okay if I actually like the song, but if I don't like it and I catch myself singing or rapping it, it's the worst. Even the songs that I actually like becomes something similar to a agonizingly horrible alarm clock that goes off every five minutes. Nothing that I would wish on anyone.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Behind the Scenes: The Ultra Red Delicious
I came up with the idea for this when it started snowing outside. This was before the snow storm (I think it was known as Nemo), and it definitely wasn't as strong. I think it was only an inch of snow. I've been meaning to take advantage of sunlight (the most natural lighting), or the weather period. When I saw it snowing outside, I knew I had to film something.
Monday, February 11, 2013
My Journey Through the Blizzard
As you may know, there was a blizzard a few days ago. Every time I looked up, there was a special on it... on The Weather Channel. I know that would be the one place it where it's legitimate to see a report on a blizzard, but still. The frequency of its appearance was for a good reason, so I had to prepare.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
I Was Nominated for an Award: LBA
It appears as though I am a Liebster Blog Award nominee. The minute I saw that I was nominated, I had to do a double take (for those of you who don't know what that means, I had to check twice to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me). I was nominated by Sapphire Diaz, creator of The Virgoan. Thanks again for the nomination. It is really cool.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Behind the Scenes: The World According to Sekou Trailer
This film seemed like a no brainer. My brother does so much within a day, and my mother always asks me to make a montage of him as he grows up. Since I am making films nowadays, I needed something new and different to film, and I never actually filmed a person and composed it into a video. This was perfect!!!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Sleep: How to Provide/Prevent it
If you're anything like me, there are times when you just can't sleep. Sometimes it's something you did deliberately to keep you awake, and other times you can't figure it out no matter how far back you retrace your steps. No matter what the case is, sleep is a very important process that is beneficial to everyone, regardless of your age, size, or body structure.
Short Story,
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Math Question: Man on the Hill
This was a question from my geometry class. We are given at least one warm up question a class, and this was one of those warm ups. I decided to share it with you because it seemed easy until I saw the hint. Then I had to think some more.
This is how we went over it in class:
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
The Making of Craig & Leon
For my second film, I wanted to do something a little simpler than Helogan. Simply because I wanted to try filming with my iPod touch. When I filmed it, I went through a different process than I usually would, so in my opinion this was one of my laziest productions (at least I admit it).
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Noteworthy Content from Romeo and Juliet
In school, we read the classic play Romeo and Juliet (written by William Shakespeare). Once again, it's one of those books that I've heard of but never was all that interested in. I didn't even know it was a book! I just thought it was a play. But lo and behold, all the students were given the play in book form. We didn't have to do projects like for Lord of the Flies, so the most we did was essay quizzes and discussions.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
How My Helicopter became Helogan T. Cardwell
For a while, I wanted a remote control helicopter (don't ask me why. It just felt like one of things that you can picture yourself having). I knew it would be interesting to have, since it is a flying apparatus in the palm of my hand. I figured I could use it to send messages into other rooms, as opposed to using texts, or simply my voice.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
4 Things You Should Know About Les Miserables
A while ago I watched Les Miserables. I was interested in it since it received a bunch of good ratings by movie critics. Plus a friend of mine said that it was a good musical, so I decided to check it out.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The Art of the Choke
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
The Big Question
There comes a time in a person’s life when they have to ask themselves, “who am I?” and, “what do I want in life?” For some people, this could be one of the trickiest questions to answer (hence the reason people must answer this during particular job interviews). As for me, I have a counter question: “what makes you who you are enough to even answer such a question?” Are you - as your own being - suppose to know instinctively and have a fluid answer, or is it easier to answer from a third person point of view? I often wonder if I am just indecisive and can’t figure out who I am.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Birthday Partay!!!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Procrastina... I'll finish it later.
There are always inevitable circumstances in everyone's life. Such as a project to complete, an application to fill out, left-overs in the fridge to eat, or whatever the case is. If You have been through these scenarios, then it is probable that everyone has done this before: procrastinate. It is one of the most interesting things that I go through, since I don't want to procrastinate, but I don't want to do that particular thing right now either. It may be occasional for some people, and very frequent for others.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
2013... Has a Nice Ring to It
It's almost 2013, and I am at the apex of excitement! I have so many expectations for the new year. New experiences, meeting new people, definitely eating new foods, going to new places, and much more. I am looking towards 2013 with a positive attitude and a smile on my face.
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