Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013... Has a Nice Ring to It

It's almost 2013, and I am at the apex of excitement! I have so many expectations for the new year. New experiences, meeting new people, definitely eating new foods, going to new places, and much more. I am looking towards 2013 with a positive attitude and a smile on my face.

Chances are, society is going to change at least a little next year, but will it be for better or for worse? Maybe recycling will be taken more seriously (if you already recycle then you can pat yourself on the back). The unemployment and/or welfare rate may lessen, or genetically modified products will be labeled as such. Maybe other conflicts will be resolved as well (I hope). The most I can do is keep a positive mindset and hope for the best. Or is it?

You as a person can make anything you want possible. It doesn't have to be as big as getting the government to label GMO products (if you come up with a way, let me know), but it could be as little as cleaning a closet filled with things you don't even recall owning, or using a cookbook recipe that you never got around to using, or contacting a friend that you haven't seen in a while. I believe THAT is what resolutions are about: starting off the year with goals that will improve your life.

I'll give you an example. One of my new years resolutions is to challenge myself to do new things. I guess I already started (blogging is very new to me), but I wanted to boost my confidence to do anything. Like bungee jumping, eating an artichoke, or acting (on stage or in front of a camera). Basically, I don't want to limit myself to what I think I'm capable of. Think of the Yes Man as an example of what I mean.

A resolution can be anything to you, meaning that it can be a small task too. You can go to that new restaurant around the block, read a book people are talking about, or start holding you toothbrush with your other hand instead of the usual. So long as you think the resolution will improve your life for the better.

After creating the resolution, all you have to do is complete it. You will know that your resolution worked if you feel great about it afterwards. No matter how big or small it is, it will change your life and make you a different person somehow. So my question to you is: what's your resolution(s) for 2013? Make sure that you complete it with good intentions, and a smile on your face. :-D

1 comment:

  1. Very positive post! I have to admit, I don't usually do resolutions for the new year. I tend to do only one or two things of the "list". This year, one detail I have in mind is to get better at this blogging thing and be recognized with it. While I'm at it, I will continue to improve on my writing abilities. Other than that, I just want to be happy, healthy and alive. :)
