This is how we went over it in class:
I have created this blog to share my knowledge and opinions with the people of the world. Originally, my intention was to take my written assignments and share them using social media. After a while, I realized that I have a lot more to share than essays.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Math Question: Man on the Hill
This was a question from my geometry class. We are given at least one warm up question a class, and this was one of those warm ups. I decided to share it with you because it seemed easy until I saw the hint. Then I had to think some more.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
The Making of Craig & Leon
For my second film, I wanted to do something a little simpler than Helogan. Simply because I wanted to try filming with my iPod touch. When I filmed it, I went through a different process than I usually would, so in my opinion this was one of my laziest productions (at least I admit it).
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Noteworthy Content from Romeo and Juliet
In school, we read the classic play Romeo and Juliet (written by William Shakespeare). Once again, it's one of those books that I've heard of but never was all that interested in. I didn't even know it was a book! I just thought it was a play. But lo and behold, all the students were given the play in book form. We didn't have to do projects like for Lord of the Flies, so the most we did was essay quizzes and discussions.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
How My Helicopter became Helogan T. Cardwell
For a while, I wanted a remote control helicopter (don't ask me why. It just felt like one of things that you can picture yourself having). I knew it would be interesting to have, since it is a flying apparatus in the palm of my hand. I figured I could use it to send messages into other rooms, as opposed to using texts, or simply my voice.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
4 Things You Should Know About Les Miserables
A while ago I watched Les Miserables. I was interested in it since it received a bunch of good ratings by movie critics. Plus a friend of mine said that it was a good musical, so I decided to check it out.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The Art of the Choke
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
The Big Question
There comes a time in a person’s life when they have to ask themselves, “who am I?” and, “what do I want in life?” For some people, this could be one of the trickiest questions to answer (hence the reason people must answer this during particular job interviews). As for me, I have a counter question: “what makes you who you are enough to even answer such a question?” Are you - as your own being - suppose to know instinctively and have a fluid answer, or is it easier to answer from a third person point of view? I often wonder if I am just indecisive and can’t figure out who I am.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Birthday Partay!!!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Procrastina... I'll finish it later.
There are always inevitable circumstances in everyone's life. Such as a project to complete, an application to fill out, left-overs in the fridge to eat, or whatever the case is. If You have been through these scenarios, then it is probable that everyone has done this before: procrastinate. It is one of the most interesting things that I go through, since I don't want to procrastinate, but I don't want to do that particular thing right now either. It may be occasional for some people, and very frequent for others.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
2013... Has a Nice Ring to It
It's almost 2013, and I am at the apex of excitement! I have so many expectations for the new year. New experiences, meeting new people, definitely eating new foods, going to new places, and much more. I am looking towards 2013 with a positive attitude and a smile on my face.
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