Monday, October 13, 2014

Dreads VS. Locks

On my way to my next class, a girl walked up to me and said, "Excuse me, are these dreads or locks?" Instinctively, I replied that they were locks. She then asked, "Well, what's the difference?" My response: "...there is none." But this is inaccurate on a number of levels.

There is indeed a difference between the terms, but they oppose each other in more than one way. In a broad sense, the main difference is in your preference in names. However your preference will probably be due to the connotation of the terms.

The Progressives were NOT successful in their efforts to reform society

It would be inaccurate and fallacious to believe that there was a successful change that came out of the era of progressivism. Through contrasting beliefs and clashing ways of solving problems, it is difficult for the changes in this society to be effective; rendering it pointless. Although the Progressives tried effortlessly to create change in the country, their tactics were not effectual. The Progressives were narrow-minded, and did not provide a system of productive ways that would provide for equal rights, equal pay, and ways to help the less fortunate. Leaders from this time period such as President Theodore Roosevelt believed it was imperative to take down monopolies and protect our environment, but these goals should not have deteriorated from the American way of life—a chance for opportunities and freedom for all. The Roosevelt administration was somewhat successful in taking down monopolies, but they failed to serve the common man. They also did not take into consideration that not everyone living during the Progressive Era, or even now are in the top 1% of business owners profiting from capitalism. Far more superior changes occurred outside of the era that aimed to take care of specifics in government and the general population in order to improve along with the conflicts’ growth. The underlying issues of what was pushed under the rug for future generations has still not been fully dealt with, and still causes our country to have such dividing issues today.