There's something that I cannot come to an agreement with myself about. I started drinking coffee a couple of years ago, and I absolutely love it. However technically, I am not of the age group where coffee is suppose to be consumed, therefore I am afraid that it will be a problem (or that what everyone tells me about drinking coffee as a minor is true). I really don't see the problem with it, but I guess it is worth looking into.
I have created this blog to share my knowledge and opinions with the people of the world. Originally, my intention was to take my written assignments and share them using social media. After a while, I realized that I have a lot more to share than essays.
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Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Naruto Review: It Finally Came!!!
So the game finally came on Friday, December 21st, and I was eager to open it. I couldn't believe that it was finally in the palm of my hand! I even recorded myself opening it, putting the disc into the Wii, and watching the opening credits. I knew it was about to be awesome. :-p
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Spontaneous Happiness
So last Sunday, I was having a not-so-positive day. I had something on my mind that made me want to lie in bed all day, and on top of that it was cloudy!! So all in all, it was dark and gloomy internally (my mindset), and externally (the weather).
Sunday, December 23, 2012
What is a Christmas Tree Anyway?
Just like the average American household, mines has a Christmas tree. It's well decorated and as festive as ever, and it brings out the Christmas spirit in everyone here. But just the other day, I had this epiphany: what is the meaning of Christmas trees? After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I had no idea, and got frustrated.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
A World of Algorithms
I'm sure everyone's familiar with the tricky, complicated colorful three dimensional puzzle known as the Rubik's cube. As far as the media informs you, the average person cannot solve it, unless they're perceived as some sort of an intellectual.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Lord of the Flies: Inside the Book
So recently, I had to read a novel of my choice (from the list of novels selected for my class) in a certain amount of time. The book would have 2 quizzes to it and a novel project in the end. Out of the selection of books, I hose Lord of the Flies. I mainly chose it because my mother suggested it to me since she read it when she was in high school. Another reason I read this was because it was the least depressing out of the other novels (a few of the other ones were A Separate Peace, Jane Eyre, and To Kill a Mockingbird). I tried to read this book years ago, but I just couldn't get around to it. I guess it just had to be assigned to me (I don't know), but I finally read it.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The Pros and Cons of Video Games
This is something of a follow up to my pros and cons about television. It's basically the same idea, just with a more specific topic: video games. Video games began with the Atari, which includes a joystick with a red button, and games with 8-bit audio that, to the average person today, is pretty basic and easy to use.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Waiting for Naruto
So the other day, my mother ordered me a game that I wanted for a while. It's called Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3. It's suppose to be like the other two, but with new costumes for the characters, new jutsus (I'll explain later), ad a new story mode. I am aware of the many bad reviews of this game, but I'm not that serious of a gamer to care about why it is worse than the other Clash of Ninjas. I want this game for a number of reasons:
Short Story,
Saturday, December 15, 2012
My Future in Baking
So the other day was my mother's birthday. As a request, I made her a cake. Sounds simple enough. So after doing my Latin, I went in the kitchen, got my supplies together, and began to bake a cake.
In my head, this is what it looked like:
In my head, this is what it looked like:
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Pros and Cons of Television
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
The Hunger Games Review
The Hunger Games (THG) is one of the best books and movies I've ever seen. The books were well written and the movie portrayed the book to capture the drama and suspense of the story to a perfect degree. There are a lot of good things that I liked about THG, however, there were some complications that I have to mention.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Indie Films
So in my other blog, I mentioned that I listened to indie music. I realize that I didn't really clarify what it is that I liked about it. First off, I should mention that indie stands for independent. Certain media is independent because: It is not developed by a major company, or it is not considered to be attractive to the mainstream society (pop music and major motion pictures with special effects is mainstream). Indie music and movies seems to have more meaning than mainstream, which is why I like them so much.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Music and Me
Music is certainly very tricky topic with me. Mostly because I can't really say that I have a certain genre that I appreciate the most. One thing I can say for sure: If music defines the person, than I am a very outgoing, or colorful individual. Meaning that I am open to listen to anything, and there I am only limited to certain types of music (which I will explain soon).
Social Networking
There are days that I wonder to myself, what is the purpose of social networks? Why does it seem like everyone is a part of one? And why should I care? Do I really have to put my face in a book, make bird noises, put all of my pictures in a bucket, clumsily fall down an incline, and so on? I was seeking answers, and I found one answer back in 2011 at the end of the school year.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Diabetes and Hypertension (info & treatments)
Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot receive the proper amount of glucose. It can be caused by the glucose (sugar) rate too be too high or low. High amounts of sugar is called hyperglycemia, ad low sugar is hypoglycemia.
Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction, also known as The Secret, is one of the many theories to life and how things work. The theory is basically that whatever you think about, whether it's a positive or negative thought, you are attracting and and it will become a apart of your life. This belief is not well known to the public, however many people know of this and take note of what they think and how they feel in order to be happy with who they are and what they do with their lives.
The Balance of Security and Courage
“Gumption” written by Langston Hughes, is based on two opposing opinions expressed
by Oyster and Sylvester, who is the narrator. Sylvester’s wife Clara, is telling her friends
about how Oyster, a man who was well known in the town, was incarcerated for assaulting a
government official. Oyster’s son was a journalist who was applying for a position at the local
newspaper; he was not accepted due to the color of his skin, when he clearly qualified for the
job. In response to what happened to his son, Oyster goes to the town hall to request that
he receives the position Oyster feels he rightfully deserves. Oyster is consequently arrested
for getting into a physical altercation with the guard. Afterwards, Oyster’s son is arrested for
attempting to defend his father. After quite a while in jail, the father and son were released.
Although they had gained their freedom, their lives had lost order. Due to the length of time
they were confined, they no longer had a home. Oyster also lost his job over the length of time
and with their new criminal records, it became even more difficult for them to find work.
The Placebo Effect
The placebo effect is a therapy in which pharmacies and/or doctors influence patients to
believe they are being provided with medical care, when there is barely anything done tothem at all. The most popular form of placebo is the sugar pill. These pills have basically no
effective ingredients towards the patients dis-ease. Other placebo effects are carried out by fake surgeries injections, and more.
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